Monday, January 23, 2012


Apple cider vinegar - this stuff is off the chain with benefits, no lie!
I personally use it for my acid reflux, yes! I did say for acid reflux.
Here's the deal! ok so your stomach makes this stuff called "Hydrochloric acid" HCL. Which it needs to break down the food. etc. But what happens 90% of the time with people who have reflux, their bodies are not making enough HCL which in return causes this off balance and in a round about way causes heartburn, GERD etc. So what do we all do? grab for a Tums, or Prevacid, etc which are a "catch all" they either stop the acid production or slow it down (keep in mind you are already low on HCL, usually) So over time damage sets in from not having HCL. You need this to breakdown your foods so you can absorb your nutrients. Protein being the biggest absorbing problem. Now here is where ACV comes in, the acidity in vinegar from apple cider makes the LES lock up to protect the esophagus from acid reflux and rebalances the acid level, which is important for the body in the process of digestion. You might ask "why go to all this trouble, just take the drugs" and that choice is up to you. But keep in mind pharmaceuticals have side effects and you can not be on them forever. Actually, they have not even done studies on the long term effects of these drugs.

I recommend taking a teaspoon mixed with about 3oz of water with your biggest meals and anything that you know irritants your reflux. If you are having a hearburn "attack" then I suggest, 2 teaspoons of ACV and 2 teaspoons of honey in 8oz of warm water.

Also you can go to any health store and pick up HCL tablets. The goal in all of this is to help wake up your body so it starts producing its own HCL. And for those of you who are actually producing to much acid, you will know as soon as you try this.

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